Blog Post

Get your exercises done with the 5 Second Rule

  • By 7011224491
  • 13 Feb, 2019

I recently finished reading the 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins. The basic premise is that you will never finish anything and achieve your goals, if you do not first START! I can relate to the need to JUST START, to many things I need to do personally. I also realized that this relates to many clients of mine as well. Using Postural Restoration as a treatment approach, I do expect my clients to do 2-4 exercises at home daily, in order to feel better. This should not be overwhelming! Each exercise is done for 4 sets of 4 breaths, and there are typically 4 exercises total. That is 4x4x4=64 breaths total of exercise, plus rest/reset time between exercises. To put this number of breaths into perspective, we typically breathe 12x/minute when we are at rest. So, even with slow deliberate breathing, putting aside 15-20 minutes to do exercises should be more than ample time.

So why do some people have a hard time fitting in their exercises? People are “busy” which can mean a variety of things. My own opinion on the matter of busy-ness is that we all fill our days with one thing or another, regardless of how productive or menial they may look from the outside. I think that rather than just focusing on being busy for the sake of being busy we should focus more on spending our time doing things that are important to us. Maybe that is spending more time with your family, improving your health and well being, working out, some hobby, building a business or many other things. I would say that regardless of what is important to you, feeling physically good, is going to allow you to enjoy the things you want to do more, and it will also allow you to be more productive both physically and mentally too. Taking 15-20 minutes to exercise could easily come out of most peoples TV or phone screen time each day.

Here is where the 5 Second Rule comes in. Make a decision today about when is the best time to fit in your exercises each day. Personally, I like to do my own set of exercises first thing in the morning when I wake up. This is before anything or anyone distracts me, and I also like first thing in the morning because it sets me up to feel good for the day. Now, whatever time you choose, when it arrives and you start thinking about everything else you could/should be doing apply the 5 Second Rule immediately! Simply start counting down from 5 to 0 and when you get to zero MOVE! Move towards wherever you need to be to do your exercises and just START. If you start, chances are you will finish. Do this daily and chances are you will feel better.

The 5 Second Rule can be applied to many things, this is just one that I thought would be relevant to my clients. If you are interested in how/why it works and how to apply it to many other areas of your life go to:

Before your attention wanders start counting 5,4,3,2,1,0 now MOVE!

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